In the Data Center, Signature Core Fiber Optic Cabling System was specifically engineered for Cisco BiDi providing optimal performance with a cost-effective migration path from 10G to 40/100G without changes to your serial fiber cable plant. Click here to access technical reference guides that provide in-depth solutions for converged infrastructure.
In the Enterprise, reference architectures and solutions are orchestrated with a trusted partner ecosystem and backed by Cisco and Signify validated Digital Ceiling designs, that provide enhanced EMI protection when using Vari-MaTriX Category 6A optimized Pathways and Field Term Plugs. Click here to access more information regarding these solutions.
On the Plant Floor, validated solutions and architectures provide a network infrastructure that enables Industry 4.0. Click here to access Cisco Validated Design Drawings.
From Edge Computing to the Enterprise and Data Centers, the last thing an organization wants is to rip and replace its cable infrastructure to keep up with the demand for greater performance. Fortunately, Panduit has been providing more than just high-quality cabling solutions. For over 60 years, we have offered solutions backed by an accomplished and trusted ecosystem of skilled strategic partners with validated architectures and deployment guides.
In upcoming blog posts, accomplished engineers and leaders will provide you with the tools and technical insights to elevate your organization to greater success.
* This article was originally posted on Panduit Connections Blog.